Health benefits of apples
The apple tree (Malus domestica), commonly known for the most cultivated and used fruit in the entire world, the apples. The long list of health benefits of this miracle food are due to the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, but the real value of apples is in its organic compounds. As an excellent sources of dietary fiber, a single apple provides you with 10% of the daily requirement.
Apples are going to help you with: neurological health, dementia, stroke, bad cholesterol, diabetes, all sorts of cancers, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, gallstones, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, weight, cataracts, bad liver, bad skin, low immune system, asthma and colds.
3 Interesting facts about apples
1Apples are full of ripening hormone called ethylene
By refrigerating an apples you can slow their ripening time or you can use them to speed up ripening of any other fruit in close proximity. So be careful where you are storing them or you’ll end up with spoiled fruits and vegetables.
2Without the peel an apple is not a good source of fiber
If you are the picky eater who prefers to peel the skin off an apple before eating it, than you should seriously consider stop doing that, because majority of dietary fiber and a significant amount of vitamins are found in the apple peel.
3Apple seeds contain a mixture of cyanide and sugar
People should avoid eating the seeds of apples because they contain a cyanide compound known as amygdalin and they don’t have any proven health benefits. But you also should not worry about eating apple seeds in small quantities, because they have a tough protective outer layer, and apple seeds need to be chewed on in large amounts to cause a human death.
Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the healthiest of them all?
Have you ever wondered is there a nutritional difference between green, red and yellow apples, or which one is healthier?
Green apples are “the healthiest”
Indisputably, if you compare them by weight, green apples, sour or sweet, are more nutritionally dense compared to red apples or yellow ones, but if you compare apples to apples, the differences are negligible.
According to researchers from Washington State University, the Granny Smith apples have more non-digestible compounds than any other variety, which could help prevent disorders associated with obesity such as diabetes, but they didn’t find that eating the Granny Smith apples or any other variety have a negligible impact on weight loss.

Red apples are sweet and healthy
Red apples have more sugar content than the green ones, but keep in mind this is a good sugar, which is a great energy supplier in a typical diet, and inherently healthier than refined one. Red apples also contain anthocyanins – the pigments that give them their rich deep red colour and protect your body against various diseases and premature aging.
Fuji apples are sweet and healthy
Fuji apples are crisp, crunchy and the sweetest apples around! They were developed in Fujisaki, Japan as a cross between Virginia Ralls Janet and Red Delicious. They do not have any unique healing properties compared to other apples, but they are adored by many people who like sweet apples.
Yellow apples are rare and healthy
Yellow apples are healthy and delicious like their more famous relatives, but not as common as red and green apples and they are not available in all areas. Do not mistake them with tropical golden apples.
3 Good reasons to eat organic apples
1According to scientific analysis of USDA data, pesticides showed up on 98 percent washed apples, and when it comes to pesticides, apples are one of the most highly contaminated crops, right next to celery and tomatoes. 2Organic apples can be expensive, but if you have to peel the skin off (because of pesticides), which contains majority of dietary fiber and vitamins, than organic apples can be considered as affordable, especially in season. 3Organic apples taste better and are a whole lot fresher compared to conventionally-raised apples, because of the way and when they’re harvestedJuice your own apples
Apple juice is healthy, but don’t buy commercially processed ones, because most of them do not contain pectin or active enzymes. Instead of healthy ingredients, commercially processed apple juice contains almost seven teaspoons of sugar in a single serving.
What is the best time to eat an apple?
The best time to eat an apple is in the morning because an apple contains pectin. Starting morning your with an apple is a great for bowel movement, and a good way to treat chronic diarrhea and dry stool. Also you should, or better say can eat an apple freely two hours after meals or one hour before, because eating an apple just before or immediately after meals can cause flatulence and constipation.
Apples fight heart disease
Apples are full of polyphenol antioxidants, and eating an apple a day may reduce the risk of major heart disease nearly in half. The way apples aid the heart is by lowering LDL cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.
Health benefits of apple pectin
Studies have shown that pectin is one more reason why it pays to eat an apple. Apple’s pectin is a source of soluble dietary fiber and its primary use is a treatment for digestive disorders. It has a wide range of applications, from improvement of bowel movements to cholesterol levels reduction.
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Apple remedy against diarrhea
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