Health and beauty benefits of apricots

Health benefits of apricots

Sweet, golden apricots (Prunus armeniaca) with their luscious flavor and velvety surface are green in their unripe form. This summer delicacies with plenty of dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals are low in fat and calories.

Whether fresh or dried, apricots offer various health benefits, convenient dried ones have less water content and heat sensitive vitamins such as vitamin C, but higher levels of most nutrients. As a rich source of potassium, fresh or dried apricots are going to regulate the balance of intracellular and extracellular water levels.

Aromatic and delicate apricots with their immense health benefits are going to help you with: indigestion, heart diseases, constipation, heart attack prevention, earaches, osteoporosis, fevers, asthma, skin diseases, anemia, cholesterol levels, deterioration of vision and weight management.

3 Interesting facts about apricots


Apricots ripen after they are picked

The majority of ripe apricots are dried or frozen because they don’t travel well. They belong to fruits that continue to ripen after they are picked. You can refrigerate ripe apricots to impair their ripening process or place them in a paper bag to speed up ripening process.


Benefits of dried apricots

Dried apricots have an intense flavour and higher levels of most nutrients, ounce for ounce, than the fresh ones, and as a result they have even more health benefits in a smaller package. Some dried apricots are brown because they oxidize when sun-dried.


Apricot seeds can be poisonous

Apricot seeds are rich source of healthful fats, fiber and iron, but they also have toxic chemical known as amygdalin. In the body, this poisonous compound, also referred to as laetrile is converted to cyanide, and in large quantities can cause serious harm.

Prevent iron deficiency anemia

If you are diagnosed with a common blood-related condition known as anemia, basically iron deficiency, make it a habit of eating dried or fresh apricots because they are rich source of iron and one of the best remedies around for anemia.

Treat earaches naturally

Apricot oil is known to be good for earaches because of presence of antioxidants. According to scientists, a few drops apricot oil placed into the affected ear canal can reduce earache, but keep in mind common sense and seek medical help when needed.

Natural constipation relief

People who regularly suffer from constipation can use natural ways to smooth bowel movements. One of those particularly helpful remedies is dried or fresh apricot, because it is a rich source of fiber, and a fiber relives constipation and associated symptoms of gastritis stomach discomfort.

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Apricot smoothie for better digestion

Apricots are a great smoothie ingredient, making thick mixture with subtle taste. Also can help with constipation and diarrhea. There is no tastiest way to improve digestion.
1 cup apricot, sliced
1 banana, sliced
½ lemon, juice
Throw the apricots, banana and lemon juice into a blender and smooth the mixture. Serve cold.

apricot smoothie better digestion recipe

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