Category: Tips for growing tomatoes

We all love to grow tomatoes, a favorite home grown vegetable with flavor far superior to the supermarket ones and they’re so easy to grow. This tender plant come in a wide range of sizes, shapes and colors, from the tiniest cherry types to full flavored giant beefsteak tomatoes. Tomatoes like a site with full sun, at least 8 hours of sunlight a day, a rich in organic matter and well-drained soil with pH ranges from 6.0 to 6.8. The huge variety of tomatoes you can grow indoors when are starting from seed, six to eight weeks before the frost free date. Don’t rush to transplant, they need to develop a strong root system before they are ready to be planted outdoors. Tomatoes do better if planted deeper than they were grown indoors and they need a lot of water for the best results. When the tomatoes are ripe and gain full colour start picking them, from top to bottom.

stuffed tomatoes recipe

Fresh tomatoes stuffed with ground meat recipe

So easy to make, and easy to serve too, stuffed tomatoes are another twist to classic combination of meat and tomato. Can be served as starter or main course or even the full meal. Enjoy it.

fresh tomato soup recipe

Healthful fresh tomato soup recipe

Making your own silky tomato soup is so quick, easy and perfect for any time of the year, a soup with a plum tomatoes like no other you've had before.