sweet cherry cheesecake chocolate cups recipe

Sweet cherry cheesecake chocolate cups recipe


September 15, 2016

Delicious eatable cups, made entirely of chocolate, and with cherry cheese cream inside. Effortless and fun to make at home.

  • Prep: 30 mins
  • Cook: 5 mins
  • Yields: 3 cups
sweet cherry cheesecake chocolate cups recipe


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1/2 cup dark chocolate

1/2 cup cream cheese

1/2 cup heavy cream

Vanilla extract

1 tbsp cherry jam


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Melt the chocolate, on cooker using low heat or in microwave, just make pauses after minute and then every 20 seconds to stir chocolate for evenly melting. Add enough chocolate into cup mold or any mold you like. Coat the sides of the molds by rotating at angle. Let it cool down on room temperature or much faster in refrigerator. Remove from molds. Whip the heavy cream, add the whipped cream cheese, vanilla extract and cherry jam. With this flavored cream fill the chocolate cups.

sweet cherry cheesecake chocolate cups recipe


Nutrition Facts

Serving Sizestandard
Total Fat28.9g
Saturated Fat17.5g
Trans Fat0g
Total Carbohydrates22.4g
Dietary Fiber0.9g